Why choose Easy Way?

Why choose Easy Way?

The “Easy Way” Language Center is the best place in Russia to acquire speaking competence in the shortest possible time. To enhance oral competence, rules of grammar and syntax are treated as they are in a mother tongue. Once this has been achieved, “Easy Way” conveys speaking skills to young and old just as in a mother tongue. In other words, instead of speaking ABOUT the language, we make you speak the language fluently in record time.

With EASY WAY, you do not need a special gift to learn. By mastering your mother tongue, you have proven your ability. In our school the teachers need to be gifted; and, indeed they are gifted and skilled! They are ready and waiting to get you excited about your progress, which will be beyond your expectations!

The “Easy Way” Language Center uses the best Natural Method available in the world today. During the language training, our teachers never expect you to know anything, to remember anything, nor to say anything right. They know how to take the responsibility for your progress upon themselves. They know that if you were able to bear the responsibility for speaking correctly, you would not need them.

A test lesson is free of charge. Come and see for yourself (Vene Vidi Vicci). Come to the elite team of EASY WAY Language Center and become an elite student, learning to speak Russian like a native.

Call or write now, we are ready for you.

Your Easy Way Team.

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